
Cell phone signal booster solutions for your vehicle

Boosts 3G & 4G Cellular Signal in Your Car or Truck

weBoost: Stay Connected on the Road

The weBoost AM100-Pro will boost your 3G and 4G LTE signal and provides the perfect solution to keep you connected to family, friends or colleagues on the go. This easy to install device is perfect for cars, trucks, caravans and boats.

Say goodbye to dropped calls, failed text messages and slow data speeds. Stay connected with a vehicle booster from weBoost.

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Works with All Network Providers in Africa

No more annoying dropped calls, poor call quality & slow Internet!

The weBoost Drive AM100-Pro from Wilson Electronics is the most popular car and truck cell phone signal booster we currently offer. Quick and Easy installation.

  • Powerful Signal Booster for Cars, Trucks, Caravans and Boats
  • Boosts 4G LTE and 3G for multiple users in a vehicle.
  • Works for any phone using African Networks
  • Complete kit: all parts included, easy install.
  • Better talk, text & internet guaranteed.

How a weBoost Signal Booster Works

weBoost cell phone boosters work by pulling in weak signal, boosting it, and then rebroadcasting it inside your area in need.

Signal boosters are made up of a three-part system:

  1. The Outside Antenna to capture weak cell signal.
  2. The Amplifier to boost the weak signal.
  3. The Inside Antenna to rebroadcast the enhanced signal inside your home or car.

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How weBoost Works

Outside Signal is Important - Signal Boosters work best when signal outside your home is strong.
In Your Home
In the Office
In Your Vehicle
1Outside Antenna
Pulls in tower Signal
2Signal Booster
Boosts the Signal
3Inside Antenna
Broadcasts the signal inside the Room
1Outside Antenna
Pulls in tower Signal
2Signal Booster
Boosts the Signal
3Inside Antenna
Broadcasts the signal inside the Room
1Outside Antenna
Pulls in tower Signal
2Signal Booster
Boosts the Signal
3Inside Antenna
Broadcasts the signal inside the Room

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How weBoost Works

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